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Friday, March 20, 2009

9:35 PM
a joke.

A: u know the faze with iphone, itouch, itunes, usqueeze?

B: yeah.

A: one day, they're gonna come out with a vacuum cleaner and call it "USUCK"

end of joke.

haha :]

The pig ran away.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

4:13 PM
ALRIGHTS! with all these pictures and videos rotting away in my draft section, i've decided to SIT DOWN AND BLOG. here goes nothing!

the few days of fun i had with my sis while she crashed at my college :]

just exploring the city and the nearby suburbs. and taking a cruise on the citycat

the two psychopaths cruising~

the ever intensely bright sun over the brissy river.

the sunset on the way home. isn't it beautiful?

a place where all harry potter comes alive~

- on the train -



our true personalities~
can't blame us. it takes nearly two hours to travel to goldcoast.


bored while waiting for the ride.

if u cant see properly, we're about to get on the ride. the seats are behind. took a quick snap before putting all out belongings down and off we ggoooooooooo~

movie world holds one of the BEST film ride ever!

i'm FLYING! in a cage :x

i thought i saw a pussy cat~

saw anyone familiar?

it's a hothot day! waiting for the parade to commence~

oh yeah~ harry potter shop.

houses some of the most thrilling rides!

just a boring film ride~

we're miles apart.

the two wanted psychopaths.

a series of spins.

she is outta control~

jimmy neutron! love the OST of its movie.

see how strong i am?

gosh. i'm must be 123yrs old already (according to this advert)

i'm gonne escape! seeya!

come kill me if u dare!

the boy i was playing with :] very cute and mischievous.

the half grown up tiger cub.

oh yeah~ 4WD! here we come! moreton bay is one of the many islands present around queensland. it is a very beautiful island and houses one of the biggest place for sandboard. it's based on ecotourism, so there's no real roads and thus u have to be in a 4WD to get around and there's basically just one path to everywhere. so when two 4WD comes head to head, one of them just have to give way. this is definitely not ur usual tourist stuff that ppl usually do. try it out!

our lovely guide! and no, he isn't half naked all thruout. just after surfing.

while waiting for the boat over to moreton bay


charlies' angel 三缺一

i'm at the desert. it's seriously called that. and so becos it's just a very very large piece of sandy land.

i'm gonna conquer the mount desert! have u tried hiking on sand? it's horribly tiring, but it's hard for u to fall backwards.

preparing for sandboarding~ it drizzled a little before we came thus, the sand was abit wet and so we could not have gone as far as usual but still did a very good job. take a look at the video below!

(i dunno why it came out as two screens. but press the play button on the first screen)

i'm sandboarding and my sister is laughing at me.

then, we're off to the blue lagoon to wash off the sand!

know why it's called blue lagoon? cos it's bluuee~

next stop! the lighthouse! we're actually around 100m above sealevel. it's really really REALLY windy and beautiful to just look at the sea. take a look at the view urself from the video.

a 360 degree view from the top!

final stop: north point! (another beautiful beach) the sand there is so fine, it squeaks when u walk on it. see the video to hear the squeaking of the sand.

squeaky sand~

this is a very very nice picture. hope to have one taken of me in the future.

psychopath 老大!

the 4WD that faithfully brought us safely around up and down the different terrain! and my guide running off the have some surf time~



i cant reach my toes~!


kungfu fighting!~ HAIYA!

member of the yuan club. :]

the sunset taken from the boat. nice~

taking my last memory on this trip~

no more pictures were taken after this. it was great fun to tour around like this. but it really is tiring. 姐, rmb our dates for CNY next yr! :] have fun in ur trips!

this is what happens when ur family is all around the world. u onli get to see each other once a year. if ure lucky, all of u get to see everyone during that once a year, otherwise, you might not get to have a family gathering for long. no matter how connected the world has become, it's different when u don't get to be with the physical being. but well, one year will pass fast.

uni has started and well, it's definitely not gonna be easy conquering all yr 2 and yr 3 subj. but i'll still gambatte. and i've decided to join more activities this sem had many group gatherings in the last few days and it's really tiring esp during the weekends when u have to wait for half hour for the public transport. and hopefully, by the end of this yr, i can converse in jap. AND. getting a part time job here aint easy man. i've even applied to the supermarket and places similar to that. but, there's an economic recession. so yeah. i'll just see if anyone wants to give me a job.

i will make 2009 the year of change for me.

gambatte ashley!

The pig ran away.


A S H . L E Y Y .
life of a UQ undergraduate

I enjoy sunrise.
I love green.
I'm hiking my fat body away!
email me at s4182977@student.uq.edu.au
I youtube till dawn,
I eat till dusk.
That's cos..
I'm a girl.
And a lazy one too.


they judged her IMPERFECTIONS.

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